< The template can be downloaded from Template 08 – Thermometer Chart > Thermometer Chart is used to show the progress towards a goal. It is generally used to reflect on the percentage achievement. The template here gives many different type of Thermometer charts. You can create many more and / or format existing ones…
Author: Vijay A. Verma
Tips & Tricks 147 – Find the Location of Excel.Exe
Generally Excel.Exe will be located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15 in case of Excel 2013 / Windows 7. During installation, if another path is chosen, Excel.Exe's location changes. Default Path is also dependent upon Office and Windows combinations. Sometimes, it may not be locatable at all. To find the location of Excel.Exe – 1. Start…
Solution – Challenge 51 – Another Word Challenge – Whether Given Words are Anagram or not
Below is a possible solution to the Challenge 51 – Another Word Challenge – Whether Given Words are Anagram or not Use following formula – =IF(AND(LEN(A1)=LEN(B1),SUMPRODUCT(–(LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(UPPER(A1), UPPER(MID(A1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))),1)),""))=LEN(B1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE( UPPER(B1),UPPER(MID(A1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))),1)),""))))=LEN(A1)),"Anagram","Not Anagram")
Challenge 53 – Cryptography Challenge 4 – Caesar's Shift Cipher Decrypter
We published a cryptography challenge Challenge 39 – Cryptography Challenge 1 – Caesar's Shift Cipher. The purpose of the challenge was to create an Excel based Encrypter. This time, we need to create the de-crypter for the same. The Excel file related to this challenge can be downloaded from Challenge 53 – Decryption – Caesar's…
Tips & Tricks 146 – When I input a number, Excel automatically inserts a decimal with 2 decimal points
Sometimes, you might face a problem that you input a number say 567 and it automatically becomes 5.67. If you enter 8, it becomes 0.08. To correct this problem > File > Options > Advanced and uncheck Red Zone
Solution – Challenge 50 – Cryptography Challenge 3 – Generate Tabula Recta
Below is a possible solution to the Challenge 50 – Cryptography Challenge 3 – Generate Tabula Recta Put following formula and drag down and right =CHAR(MOD(ROWS($1:1)+COLUMNS($A:A)-2,26)+65) A workbook containing the above solution can be downloaded from Solution – Challenge 50 – Cryptography Challenge 3 – Generate Tabula Recta
Challenge 52 – Generate the Sequence 1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5…
This time challenge before you is to write a formula which generates a sequence where every digit appears that many times as that digit. Hence, 3 will repeat 3 times, 8 will repeat 8 times and so on..Hence, the exact sequence would be 1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,7,7,7….. The solution to above challenge will be published after a month…
Excel Quiz 34
Downloads 07 – Template 07 – A Flexible Lessons Learned Template
< The template can be downloaded from Template 07 – Lessons Learned Template > This time, the template presented is for Lessons Learned. The template covers both what went well and what didn't go well. The category of learning can be customized. I have already put 3 categories which are based on PMI Process Area,…
Tips & Tricks 145 – Determine the First Sunday or any other Day given Weeknumber
If you have been given a week number and has been asked to find the first Sunday for that week, you can use following formula =CEILING(("1JAN"&A1)-14,7)+8+7*(5-1) Where A1 has the year say A1=2016 5 is the Week Number which you can replace. For Finding Monday, add 1 in the formula, add 2 for Tuesday and…