Below chessboard has been generated in Excel. The challenge before you is to give me steps which will generate this chessboard of 8×8. The approach should be flexible to generate any NxN chessboard (Colouring should not be done manually). Note – You may choose to post the response in comments section.
Author: Vijay A. Verma
Tips & Tricks 64 – Show a 0 in place of Blanks in Pivot Table
When you create a pivot table and if a source cell has no value (i.e. cell is blank), in pivot table, it will show a blank. All other results in pivot table are carrying numeric values and you see blanks. It is odd though it doesn't impact the results. But you still prefer to show this…
Article 7 – Generate a Sequence of Numbers
Many times, we have need when we want to generate a sequence of numbers for various purpose. When I started Excel, I simply used to put 1 in A1 and =A1+1 in A2 and dragged down to required number of rows. I, sometimes, still do it. Just old habits die hard. Over a period of…
Excel Quiz 1
Challenge 2 – Sum of Numbers in the Diagonal of a Square
Suppose, you have a square of 8×8 like below The challenge is following – You need to come up with a formula that sums up the square diagonally. L1 contains the value which tells us how many elements to consider. L2 has T or B (T – from Top, B – from Bottom) which tells…
Tips & Tricks 63 – Short Cut Key for Opening Goto Special Dialog Box
Remember EGS (EGGS with one G missing) Just Press ALT and hold it. Now Press E and leave it, then press G and leave it and then press S and leave S as well as ALT. And you will have Goto Special Dialog Box.
Tips & Tricks 62 – Set the Scroll Area of a Worksheet
If you want to set a scroll area in a worksheet, for example A1:G50. User will not be able scroll beyond row 50 and column G. To do this – 1. Right Click on a Sheet tab and click View Code. OR Press ALT+F11. Now VBE Editor will open. 2. Set A1:G50 in Scroll Area…
Challenge 1 – Single Formula for Fibonacci Numbers
Fibonacci Numbers is a series of numbers where next number is found by adding two previous numbers. It starts with 0, followed by 1 and summing up 0 and 1 gives next number as 1. Now sum up previous two numbers 1 and 1 and result is is 2. Next number would be 1+2 =…
Tips & Tricks 61 – Roman Representation of Numbers
Use ROMAN function. Hence ROMAN(56) will give LVI. ROMAN works only for numbers 1 to 3999.
Tips & Tricks 60 – Remove numbers from string
To remove numbers from a string (for example Vij1aY A. V4er7ma8 contains numbers which are not required), we can use nested SUBSTITUTE function to remove numbers. Use below formula assuming string is in A1 cell – =SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE( SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE( A1,1,""),2,""),3,""),4,""),5,""),6,""),7,""),8,""),9,""),0,"") Note – Since this formula is in multiple lines, hence you will have to copy this…