1. Put "Sun" without quotes in a Cell. Let's assume this is in cell A1 here. If you want to generate full names of the day, put "Sunday" without quotes. Note – The start day can be any day. "Sun" is chosen for illustration purpose only. The start day will be whatever is put in…
Author: Vijay A. Verma
Tips & Tricks 31 – Generate Month Names Jan to Dec in Text or January to December
1. Put "Jan" without quotes in a Cell. Let's assume this is in cell A1 here. If you want to generate full names of the month, put "January" without quotes. Note – Start month can be any other month also. "Jan" has been chosen for illustration purpose only. The output will be starting with the…
Article 3 – Show Date for a Coming Day (e.g. Coming Saturday)
There are many circumstances in life where we want to determine the coming day. We are always eager to wait for Saturday. Hence, we want to show the coming Saturday date. We want to go to a blockbuster movie on Wednesday, hence we want coming Wednesday date. All these are fairly easy by Windows Date…
Tips & Tricks 30 – Generate an Array of a to z
I have already talked about generating a to z in a sequence in below post. Now, I want to generate an array {"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v", "w","x","y","z"} to use in a formula. To generate Small or Capital letters, do it while generating the sequence itself. Let's assume that a to z are generated in A1 to A26. Put…
Tips & Tricks 29 – Generate Alphabets A to Z (or a to z)
For Capital A to Z Put A in first cell and drag down. If you want to do it through formula – In Cell A1, put this formula and drag it till 26th row =CHAR(65+ROW()-1) or CHAR(64+ROW()) CHAR(65) is A. You can verify this by CODE("A") formula which will generate 65. If you are putting…
Tips & Tricks 28 – First Day of the Month for a Given Date
Suppose you have been given a date say 10/22/14 (MM/DD/YY) and you want to calculate the first day of the Current Month. Hence, you want to achieve a result of 10/1/2014 (MM/DD/YY). The formulas to be used – =DATE(YEAR(A1),MONTH(A1),1) =A1-DAY(A1)+1 =EOMONTH(A1,-1)+1
Tips & Tricks 27 – Find the Merged Cells
Sometimes, you would be required to find merged cells in Excel. One of the common cases is when you try to sort a column and all of a sudden of you see the pop-up regarding merged cell. You can do following to find merged cells – 1. Select the column. 2. CTRL+F and click Options….
Tips & Tricks 26 – Fill in the data from non blank cells to blank cells down
Suppose you have data like below and you want to fill in blank rows with data with non blank row up. Here, in range A3:A5, you want value A to appear, in range B7:B9, you want value B to appear and so on. You need this kind of situation, mostly, when you are making pivot…
Tips & Tricks 25 – Extract Integer and Decimal Portion of a Number
To extract Integer portion, one of the below can be used – =INT(A1) =TRUNC(A1) Positive value in A1 – If A1 contains 84.65, then answer would be 84. Negative value in A1 – If A1 contains -24.39, then answer would be -24. If you want only +ve value whether value in A1 is -ve or…
Tips & Tricks 24 – Extract the Initial of Middle Name
Suppose, you have a name John Doe Smith and you want to show D as middle initial. Assuming, your data is in A1, you may use following formula =IF(COUNTIF(A1,"* * *"),MID(A1,FIND(" ",A1)+1,1),"") If name is of 2 or 1 words, the result will be blank. This works on 3 words name only as middle can…