Use below formula to generate named 3 lettered month like Jan, Feb….Dec =TEXT(A1*30,"mmm") Replace "mmm" with "mmmm" to generate full name of the month like January, February….December in any of the formulas in this post.
Category: Articles
Article 23 – Correcting Excel (MS Office) Errors Post Windows 10 Upgrade
Last Updated – 29-Sep-15 Arrival of Windows 10 is something which everybody waited for and users had been loving it. But few users have been experiencing problems with MS Office and particularly with Excel post upgrade to Windows 10. Since, Excel is one of the most important productivity tools which all of us use every…
Article 22 – Detect corruption of MS Excel worksheet and Recover it
— This post is contributed by Priyanka Chauhan of Stellar Info. This is not an endorsement of the product on behalf of — Microsoft Excel is used worldwide majorly for business purposes. It is the simplest tool which helps in maintenance of records, timelines and tasks in a table based format. Most of us…
Article 21 – Clipboard Error in Excel – We couldn't free up space on the Clipboard
Many times when working in the Excel following errors may be encountered – > We couldn't free up space on the Clipboard. Another program might be using it right now > The clipboard cannot be emptied. Another program might be using the clipboard
Article 20 – Miscellaneous Errors in Excel – Sending Command to Excel, Greyed Out Options (Not Applicable to Windows 10)
Over a period of time, Excel has become a complex piece of software. Many new features have been introduced and on top of that increasing requirement for security has introduced further complexity for Excel developers. Many times, users report many different kind of errors while using Excel. Following are the common ones – 1. An…
Article 19 – How to Check if a cell contains a date
Checking for dates in Excel can be a very interesting problem as Excel stores dates as numbers. For example, 4-Jul-15 is stored as 42189. To elaborate further on this, 1-Jan-1900 is treated as 1. The difference between a date and 1-Jan-1900 +1 is the serial number of that date. hence, in case of 4-Jul-15, it…
Article 18 – LTRIM and RTRIM through Excel Formulas
So, we have TRIM function in Excel. Almost all programming languages provide LTRIM and RTRIM functions also but Excel doesn't provide LTRIM and RTRIM. The same is provided in VBA but most of the Excel users are not using VBA. They are simple folks who want to accomplish their day to day job through Excel…
Article 17 – 3D Formulas – Hidden Wonder of Excel
3D formulas are one of the hidden wonders of Excel and not many of us know about the secret of this. The purpose of this article is to unravel the mystery of 3D formulas in Excel. Suppose you have 4 worksheets called Quarter1, Quarter2, Quarter3, Quarter4 as below. And you want to find the total of…
Article 16 – Dependent Data List 02 – Creating Flexible / Dynamic Dependent Data List even First Drop Down is Flexible
— The Excel file related to this article can be downloaded from Dependent Drop Down List 02 — In Article 15, we saw that our Dependent Data list can grow / reduce vertically but we had fixed the horizontal range. Now, we will remove this restriction and our data list can grow / reduce vertically as…
Article 15 – Dependent Data List 01 – Creating Flexible / Dynamic Dependent Data List
—- Excel file related to this article can be downloaded from Dependent Drop Down List —- In this article, I want to create a dynamic dependent data list. It means that entries can be added, removed at any point of time without impacting your Dependent Data List. Without making matter complicated, this article assumes that first…