— The worksheet related to this problem can be found at Longest Word — Suppose you have a list of words in A1 to A10. The challenge before you is to write a formula (preferably non-array) to find the longest word in the list. In case of ties, pick up the first longest word. The…
Category: Challenges
Challenge 17 – Sum if Y Appears More than One Time Consecutively Maximum
The Excel file related to this problem can be downloaded from Challenge – Most Consecutive Appearance Suppose you have a table like below. The challenge before you is to find the sum of prize money if Y appears consecutively more than once for a person maximum time. You need to input name in F2 and…
Challenge 16 – Team Pairing
Given the team list below, the challenge before you is to align teams RANDOMLY under Group A and Group B where one team faces another and there is no repetitions of the team. The formula should be flexible, in case, team list increases / decreases. The team list will always be even as if number…
Challenge 15 – Floyd's Triangle
Wikipedia article related to Floyd's Triangle will give you details about this. But, one look at below and you will understand what is this. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 Now, the challenge…
Challenge 14 – Student Scoring Highest Marks in a Subject
The Excel file pertaining to this problem can be downloaded from here Max Scoring Subject Challenge 12 was a related challenge. Now, this time, you will need to find the maximum number which has been scored and by which student in which subject. This, you need to do without using a helper column. In case…
Challenge 13 – Generating Digit Product Sequences
Digit Product Sequences can be read here https://facstaff.bloomu.edu/ploomis/sequences.html In Summary, given a starting positive integer number, every succeeding number is previous number + product of non zeros digits of previous number. Hence, if starting number is 1, then Digit Product Sequences will be – 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 22, 26, 38, 62, 74, 102,…
Challenge 12 – Student Scoring Maximum Total Score
Download the file related to this problem from here Max Total Score Given the below grid, I need a formula in N2 and N3 which gives the name of the person scoring the total highest marks adding all subjects together. This, you need to do without a helper column. For example, in the below grid,…
Challenge 11 – Generate a Repeating Number Sequence – II
Last time, I posed a challenge to generate a repeating number sequence. This time, there is small twist. The sequence which you need to generate is 3 times each number i.e. 111222333444555……….. The formula should be flexible enough to be put in any cell and be dragged down. Hence, if I put the formula in…
Challenge 10 – Generate a Repeating Number Sequence – I
This time challenge is to write a formula which can be dragged down to generate number sequence 1,2,3,4,5 and repeats this sequence again. The formula should be flexible enough to be put in any cell and be dragged down. Hence, if I put the formula in D4, dragging down should produce the below series. 1…
Challenge 9 – Get the Customer Spending Maximum Amount for a given Month and Starting Alphabet
Given the below table, the challenge before you is to – Work out a formula for Customer spending Maximum amount and his Spend (Cells H4 and H5) for a given Month (H2) and starting alphabet (H3). Cell H2 has the month in numbers 1 to 12 and H3 has starting alphabet. If H2 is blank,…