Suppose you have a grid like below. The challenge before you is to count number of rows which have only single 1. See the grid, the yellow highlighted ones are containing 1 only once. The answer is 3 for this problem. You have to give me a single formula for the same. The relevant Excel…
Category: Challenges
Challenge 7 – Formula for Sum of Square of the Digits in an Alphanumeric String
Last challenge was about giving a non-array formula for Sum of Square of the Digits in a Numeric String. Now, the challenge is for an alphanumeric string. This time, there is no restriction that you need to give only non-array formula only. You may give array formula also. Let's say cell A1 contains an alphanumeric…
Challenge 6 – Non-array Formula for Sum of Square of the Digits in a Numeric String
Let's say cell A1 contains a numeric string. The challenge before you is to give me a non-array formula to sum the square of the digits. As an example if A1=378906, then answer would be = 9+49+64+81+0+36 = 239 Note – You may choose to post the response in comments section.
Challenge 5 – Prepare a Graphical Chart
This time, it is a challenge to make a chart like below. The relevant data points and picture are in the Excel file which can be download from here. Tiger Count Note – You may choose to post the response in comments section.
Challenge 4 – SUM of Multiplication of Preceding Digits by Succeeding Digits
Let's say you have a number 64934 in a cell A1. Now, the challenge before you is to work out the following SUM through a formula which should be flexible enough to capture any number of digits (Don't limit this to 15 digits maximum as allowed by Excel precision but to any number of digits…
Challenge 3 – Generate a Chessboard in Excel
Below chessboard has been generated in Excel. The challenge before you is to give me steps which will generate this chessboard of 8×8. The approach should be flexible to generate any NxN chessboard (Colouring should not be done manually). Note – You may choose to post the response in comments section.
Challenge 2 – Sum of Numbers in the Diagonal of a Square
Suppose, you have a square of 8×8 like below The challenge is following – You need to come up with a formula that sums up the square diagonally. L1 contains the value which tells us how many elements to consider. L2 has T or B (T – from Top, B – from Bottom) which tells…
Challenge 1 – Single Formula for Fibonacci Numbers
Fibonacci Numbers is a series of numbers where next number is found by adding two previous numbers. It starts with 0, followed by 1 and summing up 0 and 1 gives next number as 1. Now sum up previous two numbers 1 and 1 and result is is 2. Next number would be 1+2 =…