This time, I decided to pose a challenge on English words. A Pangram is that sentence in English which uses all 26 alphabets of English language at least once. A very common example is the very famous sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" which contains all alphabets of English language at least once. Below link contains many other examples of Pangram.
The challenge before you is to write a formula which gives the output "Pangram" or "Not Pangram" depending upon the fact if cell A1 has a Pangram sentence or not. Apart from English alphabets, the sentence can contain blanks, dots and commas and no other characters.
The given link contains many examples for Pangram which you can use as your test cases. Some examples from the above site –
A mad boxer shot a quick, gloved jab to the jaw of his dizzy opponent.
Big Fuji waves pitch enzymed kex liquor.
We quickly seized the black axle and just saved it from going past him.
The solution to this challenge will be published after a month i.e. on 30-Aug-16.