Excel Quiz 2 Posted on November 15, 2014September 24, 2021 by Vijay A. Verma Quiz 2 This is a general quiz to test your Excel knowledge. There are a total of 10 questions to answer. To pass, you need to answer at least 6 questions correctly. Please fill in your Name & Email to take the Quiz (Name and E Mail are not shared with anybody else. E Mail is used to mail the pdf certificate to you when you pass) 1 / 10 In Excel, when do you get #Div/0! error? When you divide a number by 0 The error is never encountered in Excel. When you multiply a character with 0 When you add inifinity to a number 2 / 10 The cell A1 contains First Name Last Name (for exmaple Vijay Verma), then what does following formula do =LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1)-1) Extract First Name The answer is Blank Extracts Last Name Removes space between First Name and Last Name 3 / 10 You can't create header / footer in Excel. FALSE TRUE 4 / 10 What is the answer for the formula =ROWS(2:10) 9 10 8 2 5 / 10 Answer for =ROUNDDOWN(15.486,1) is 15.5 16.4 15.4 16 6 / 10 Which of the following is Absolute Address? A2 A$2 $A2 $A$2 7 / 10 What does shortcut CTRL+U do? Underlines the cell content or removes underlining if cell content already has underlining It creates a Union of cells selected It will make the cell Universal In Excel, there is no shortcut CTRL+U 8 / 10 What is the answer for following formula =SUM(B:C 3:3) 39 0 17 57 9 / 10 The default file format in Excel 2007 and onwards is .xls .csv .xlm .xlsx 10 / 10 The largest date allowed for calculation in Excel is 1-Jan-2199 31-Dec-9999 31-Dec-2100 31-Dec-2099 Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Retake quiz