Excel Quiz 53 Posted on September 26, 2021September 26, 2021 by Vijay A. Verma Quiz 53 This is a quiz on new functions released in Excel 2019 (and Excel 365). There are a total of 10 questions to answer. To pass, you need to answer at least 6 questions correctly. Please fill in your Name & Email to take the Quiz (Name and E Mail are not shared with anybody else. E Mail is used to mail the pdf certificate to you when you pass) 1 / 10 The biggest advantage of CONCAT over CONCATENATE is that it supports range whereas CONCATENATE doesn't support range. FALSE TRUE 2 / 10 What does following formula does? (Entered as array formula) =–TEXTJOIN("",1,IF(ISNUMBER(B1:H1),B1:H1,"")) Joins only numbers from the given range Result will be #VALUE Joins only numbers from the given range with blanks Joins only text from the given range 3 / 10 What would be the answer of following formula for below picture? =MINIFS(A2:A10,B2:B10,"A") 81000 55000 53000 68000 4 / 10 Which of the following is not a new Excel function in Excel 2019? SWITCH MINIFS MEDIANIFS MAXIFS 5 / 10 What would be the answer for =MAXIFS(A2:A10,B2:B10,"C") with reference to below picture 69000 71000 35000 81000 6 / 10 TEXTJOIN provides a delimiter but CONCAT doesn't provide a delimiter. TRUE FALSE 7 / 10 What would be the answer for following formula =TEXTJOIN(" ",,"Mr.","&","Mrs.","Smith") Mr.&Mrs.&Smith Mr. & Mrs. Smith Mr.&Mrs.Smith Mr.&Mrs. Smith 8 / 10 What would be the answer for following if As has a value of 3? =SWITCH(A2,5,"A",4,"B",3,"C",2,"D",1,"F") C B A D 9 / 10 There is no way to write an ELSE condition in IFS function. TRUE FALSE 10 / 10 What would be the answer for below for the given picture (formula entered as array formula) =TEXTJOIN({" ",", "},,A2:D2) John Smith, Joe Smith John Smith Joe Smith John Smith Joe Smith John, Smith, Joe, Smith Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Retake quiz Exit