Sometimes, you may have a situation where you need to input numbers having more than 15 digits. For example, Bank Account Nos.
What is 15 Digits Limit – Excel has number precision of 15 digits, it means that if you input numbers > 15 digits, 16 digits onwards, it will be 0s.
Hence 123456789123456789 will be 123456789123456000.
Hence, you will need to enter that in Text format only. There are 2 ways.
1. Precede the number by apostrophe sign ('). Hence '123456789123456789 will be shown as 123456789123456789 in the cell. In Formula Bar, you can notice ' sign not in cell.
2. Take right click>Format Cells>Text in Number tab. It will format your cells as Text. Now you can input larger than 15 digits number in this.