Below is a function which will return True or False if a valid IP address is entered. A valid IP address is of the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn where nnn >=0 and <=255
You can put following type of construct in a cell
1. Open your workbook and ALT+F11
2. Locate your Workbook name in Project Explorer Window
3. Right click on your workbook name > Insert > Module
4. Copy paste the Macro code given
5. Delete you Macro if the Macro was needed to be run only once.
6. Otherwise save your file as .xlsm if you intend to reuse Macro again.
Function IsValidIP(Cell) As Boolean Dim Arr Dim i As Long Application.Volatile Arr = Split(Cell, ".") If UBound(Arr) = 3 Then For i = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr) If Not IsNumeric(Arr(i)) Or Arr(i) > 255 Then Exit Function End If Next i IsValidIP = True End If End Function
The workbook related to this can be downloaded from Function_Valid_ IP_Address
Edit – 18-Aug-20
The perfect solution is from Rick's comment
Function IsValidIP(Cell) As Boolean
Dim X As Long, Arr As Variant
Arr = Split(Cell, ".")
If UBound(Arr) = 3 Then
For X = 0 To 3
If Arr(X) > 255 Or Not Arr(X) Like String(Len(Arr(X)), "#") Then Exit Function
IsValidIP = True
End If
End Function
Your function is not foolproof. For example, put this in your cell and see if you agree with the function's output…
The problem is the IsNumeric function. I wrote a mini-blog article here outlining the problem…
Here is how I would write this function…
Function IsValidIP(Cell) As Boolean
Dim X As Long, Arr As Variant
Arr = Split(Cell, ".")
If UBound(Arr) = 3 Then
For X = 0 To 3
If Arr(X) > 255 Or Not Arr(X) Like String(Len(Arr(X)), "#") Then Exit Function
IsValidIP = True
End If
End Function
Thanks Rick. I have updated the post with your solution.